Monday, September 10, 2012

Season of Change

So much has been happening over the last few weeks! But I have to start this post by saying it feels like FALL. My favorite season out of the year! I was so excited to wake up and feel the nice cool air - I promptly opened all the windows and am enjoying the nice breeze through the house. It's been such a hot summer, that the house hasn't had the opportunity to air out! It's really quite wonderful :)

Early last month Hubby left for school, and he's been there ever since. Tomorrow he graduates, and I couldn't be more proud! We've also recently received his new orders, and we're off to Virginia! Hubby will have to check in early next month so these next few weeks will be very, very busy!! Thankfully, my family helped me pack up a good majority of the house while they were visiting a few weeks ago, so now it's just the day to day stuff left. I'm slightly overwhelmed thinking of what seems like the hundreds things that need to be done before we leave! But first & foremost: we must find a house. Hopefully over the next few weeks that will be taken care of & we can get moved out & up there without too many complications.

Life is super crazy right now, but life is great. I was not thrilled at all about the idea of having to go to Virginia, & I'm really still not, but I'm trying to just enjoy this time, and getting to live in different parts of the U.S. is pretty cool. And it's most half-way between both our families so that's good. (If it sounds like I'm trying to talk myself into it, it's because I still am haha) But it's going to happen either way so we might as well make the best of it! More than anything, I'm just so so so glad we're together <3

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