Friday, January 4, 2013

Military Wife Life

I vowed to myself when I created this blog NOT to let in revolve around our military life. So after lots of thoughts, here is my one & only post you will ever see that is completely military-related.
To start off, I can't stand listening and reading of people who are just completely infatuated with a man in uniform (in this case, military) yet don't know the first thing about being the significant other of a service member. I think a lot of people who are not directly involved in this lifestyle, think it's completely glamorous. NEWS FLASH: It's not.
Now don't get me wrong. The Marine Corps issued uniforms are one of the major benefits of dealing with all the constand ups & downs this lifestyle has to offer, no one can argue that. And the security of a steady paycheck is an obvious plus in this horrible economy.
You may get to see that person in anything from cammies to service uniforms every day, but don't forget everything else those uniforms entitle. Twelve to fourteen hour work days, every day.  Twenty-four hour duty shifts on weekends. Month long training ops. One to four week field ops. Classes here, and classes there for various certifications. Seven to twelve(plus) month deployments. Rough deployments that lead to PTSD. Losing close friends, watching your friends lose their husbands, losing your own husband.
I love this lifestyle, and I love my husband. That said, it is not easy. It's different depending on their MOS (job), but in our case, I spend a lot of time alone. While we were dating, we saw each other on holidays. I was in college, and he was states away and there was no other option. Two weeks after our wedding, he went on a ten month deployment. Then he came home, and life was amazing. All throughout 2012, he started going to Cali every couple of months for a month at a time.
I am a very independent person, and I know because of that, I'm ok being by myself a lot. I watch my friends who have lost husbands and think "I don't think I am cut out for that. How does she do it? She's the strongest person I know." And I realize I am incredibly blessed. And for now, I don't have to worry about his safety.
My husband is my hero. I am amazed at all he does, and amazed how well he does it. He's a great man, and works hard for our little family. I love our life, and I love him. I wouldn't trade this life for anything, because it makes us better.

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