Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Crazy Dreams & Counseling Sessions

I usually love thunderstorms. I look forward to them, and try to wake up if I know they're coming through at night just so I can enjoy them. Well, last night was a completely different story.

You know that moment during your sleep when something (noises) happen in the real life, and somehow get incorporated into your dreams?? That was me last night. In my dreams: people were blowing off parts of the earth with bombs & such. It was so loud & we knew eventually that they'd get to the part we were crowding to and we'd all die. In real life: it was thundering. And when I say thundering, I mean severe storming. Insane. Thought the house was going to crack in half. Heavy rains. Dog was crying from his crate. Lightening every few seconds. Thundering. Crazy loud thundering. All that to say, it definately wasn't one of those storms that I enjoyed. & I'm not entirely sure how long it lasted, but it seemd to go on all night long. But when I got up at 5:30, it was nice & sunny. And humid.

So, we get up and make our way to the ID Center on base. Can I just say that until this point, when I got my ID renewed, I didn't feel like Seth had officially reenlisted. I think 1) because his first contract hasn't completely ended yet (next month!), so once that happens and he's still in, it'll sink in even more. And 2) because my ID still had an experiation date of August 5th, 2012. So I was actually kind of excited to go this morning, and to get new numbers put on my car too, saying that I was good until 2015 (does that not seem so far away?!).

We went early in hopes that we wouldn't have to wait long. And we didn't! We didn't even have to sit in the waiting area, we were ushered right back to our man for the moment, Stan. Let me tell you - Stan is the man! The other two times we've gone, we've had this other gentleman. Very nice, cordial, the normal "how long have you been marry - what do you think of MC life..." stuff. But not Stan. He took it upon himself to give us a little marriage counseling - and it was warmly welcome. Not that I felt we needed it, but honestly, who can't use a little in your face 'this is how it is, this is how it will be' every now & then. I gota tell you, I am AMAZED at the amount of people I know who aren't even married one year before they divorce. That is just mind-boggling to me! & it breaks my heart for them. Seth & I decided soon as we got engaged, that divorce would never be an option for us. We would do everything humanly & spiritually possibly to work through what life gives us.

I can honestly say that I believe the one thing that sets us a apart from the statistics (as a young military couple) of what we seem doomed to be, is that we have God as the center of our marriage. Although we are far from perfect & I tend to have trouble controlling my tongue & Hubby tends to not want to share anything that's on his mind, we really do strive to be the best people we can be to each other, and to those around us.

Anyyyyways, Stan also mentioned how even after 31 years, he is still head over heels in love with his wife. His universe revolves around her, and he'd do anything he can to make her happy. He said that he told her when they first got married "Let me try & show you how much I love you for the first 50 years of our marriage. If at that time, you don't feel I love you with every ounce of me, let me try for another 50." How amazing is that?! A lot of times you hear woman just go on & on about how much they adore their spouse, which I think is more natural since we tend to be more emotional. But to hear a man say that about his wife, after 31 years together - honestly all I could think was "Wow. I want that to be us in 29 years." And I'll do everything I humanly can to make that happen.

[[shoutout to my awesome Hubby! Love you handsome ♥]]

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